Asbestos Abatement & Removal
Anyone currently interested in having asbestos abatement in Denver should check out Atlas Contracting & Environmental Solutions. We offer comprehensive asbestos removal services so our customers can have a safe environment to inhabit. Whether it's a home or a business, we can help. Anyone with questions or concerns about any of our services is encouraged to reach out to you, and one of our knowledgeable team members will be happy to provide answers and solutions.

The presence of asbestos is common in older homes and poses a considerable danger to people's health. That's why it's crucial to have a company for asbestos removal in the Denver area that safely provides services using proper procedures. Atlas Contracting & Environmental Solutions provides you with comprehensive removal services. Don't wait to get this dangerous substance removed from your property. Contact the experts and let us provide high-quality service to protect the health and well-being of those who enter the property.
Reach out to us directly today to get more details about pricing or set up a consultation for service. Those with questions or concerns are encouraged to inquire with a direct message. One of our team members will be happy to provide answers or solutions. We are ready to help provide this essential service to help customers move forward with projects and protect people from exposure to deadly asbestos.

Health Effects
When asbestos fibers are used in manufacture or when asbestos-filled materials are cut or moved, fibers are released into the air. Long-term health hazards from exposure to asbestos include lung cancer, asbestosis (lung scarring) and mesothelioma (cancer of the abdomen and the chest). Smokers have magnified health risks when exposed to asbestos, although the reason is unknown, and the EPA reports that disease symptoms usually take 20 to 30 years to appear from the time of the initial exposure to the fibers.

Asbestos is used in building material made from "...impure magnesium silicate minerals which occur in fibrous form," according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The product was incorporated into insulation, shingles, siding, flooring, and even in common products used to prevent heat transfer in cooking. The EPA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission passed regulations banning most uses of asbestos in the 1970s due to health dangers.
Incorporated into insulation, shingles, siding, flooring, and even in common products used to prevent heat transfer in cooking. The EPA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission passed regulations banning most uses of asbestos in the 1970s due to health dangers.
Building materials made prior to the 1970s, also known as asbestos-containing materials or ACM, have a significant chance of including asbestos. Homes and commercial structures feature asbestos in paint, shingles, floor tiles and insulation, according to the EPA. All insulation, construction tapes, textured paints and wall coverings, sheet cement and furnace ducting in homes built before the 1970s incorporate asbestos.
Employment in shipyards, insulation and acoustical materials manufacture and home remodeling also provide exposure to workers and office staff.
Household goods, including pot holders, hair dryers and ironing board covers, made prior to the 1970s routinely used asbestos fibers to inhibit heat transfer. The products may be identified with tags, but consumer laws did not require special asbestos marking during this time period. The best policy is to discard any questionable household items.
Identification of asbestos-containing building materials may be difficult since the fibers were embedded in many products. A safe course of action is to hire a professional to inspect any area prior to remodeling or construction. Contact county building or health departments for assistance in locating a trained contractor.
What is Vermiculite
Vermiculite is a naturally-occurring mineral composed of shiny flakes, resembling mica. When heated to a high temperature, flakes of vermiculite expand as much as 8-30 times their original size. The expanded vermiculite is a light-weight, fire-resistant, and odorless material and has been used in numerous products, including insulation for attics and walls. Sizes of vermiculite products range from very fine particles to large (coarse) pieces nearly an inch long.
Concerns about Asbestos-contaminated Vermiculite Insulation
A mine near Libby, Montana, was the source of over 70 percent of all vermiculite sold in the United States from 1919 to 1990. There was also a deposit of asbestos at that mine, so the vermiculite from Libby was contaminated with asbestos. Vermiculite from Libby was used in the majority of vermiculite insulation in the United States and was often sold under the brand name Zonolite. If you have vermiculite insulation in your home, you should assume this material may be contaminated with asbestos and be aware of steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from exposure to asbestos.
Exposure Reduction
The EPA recommends leaving asbestos in place. Certified contractors are trained in safe removal and disposal of asbestos-contaminated materials. Damaged building materials may release hazardous fibers into the residence, business or factory, and damaged areas may require repair to remain safe.

Asbestos Removal
Asbestos materials should be placed in doubled plastic bags using thick plastic gloves. The gloves should then be removed without touching the skin and also bagged for disposal. Seal the bags tightly and contact city or county officials to determine proper disposal. Do not place the items in common trash or recycling facilities. The materials are toxic and should not be allowed to enter the water table or landfill.
When it is impossible to leave asbestos building materials in place, a licensed contractor must be employed to remove the asbestos-embedded materials. Confirm that the contractor is trained in proper removal. This procedure includes sealing off area and using an air purification system to prevent the release of fibers into the air.